From the course: Revit and Dynamo for Interior Design

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Rooms with multiple finishes

Rooms with multiple finishes

- [Instructor] In this video, I'm going to look at several approaches in Dynamo for populating a room parameter when there are multiple floor finishes in a room. When rooms contain multiple finishes, it's important to determine how you want to display this information. By choosing a consistent manner, it will most effectively convey your design. I'm going to show you how to use Dynamo to input per plan, if there are multiple finishes in a space, concatenate all the finishes into a single input. And finally, how to update a separate parameter. Let's get started by opening Dynamo. Click open, and select the 04_02 Begin_Multiple Finishes.dyn Make sure to open in manual execution mode, and click open. This workspace selects all the rooms in a model, and all the floors in a model, and performs clash detection to create a list of all the rooms that have a floor in 'em, and a list of all the floors with each associated room. Click run to create the results. We zoom in on the watch node…
