From the course: Revit and Unreal Engine: Real-Life Architectural Visualizations

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Setting up an 3D Internal Envelope view

Setting up an 3D Internal Envelope view

- [Instructor] We're staying in our new office building, metric UE, the RVT file. And in the previous video, we set up the appropriate elements to display, in the UE structural 3D view. So as you can see, we're in the UE structural 3D view. If I do a quick 3D orbit now, you can see that all we've got, are the exterior walls, and the roof like so. So that's the view that we want, like that. Now, if you want to maintain this, what I often suggest that you do, is do an isometric view on the view cube, like that, and then, right click on the view cube, and set current view as home. So that will always be the home view, for the UE structural view. Now, that's all set up. You might want to save your project as well, it's entirely up to you. We're now going to look at the UE internal view. So we're going to go to UE internal here, double click on it, and you'll see, oh, all our furniture and everything's come back. Now…
