From the course: Rhino: Designing for Consumer Electronics

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Adding sharp details to an organic surface

Adding sharp details to an organic surface - Rhino Tutorial

From the course: Rhino: Designing for Consumer Electronics

Adding sharp details to an organic surface

- For our final video on this controller form, I'd like to show you a very cool editing technique. Most users never think to explore this method. And it's pretty easy to use. However, we'll note it works best on relatively simple services, which means we have fewer control points to move around. And also, ideally we talked about symmetry. You want to have that in mind as well. Let's zoom in here and we're going to focus on this rear, which is kind of nice and rounded. But, I'd like to add some additional detail, not just move it, but make is sharper. We're going to turn on the F10 to get the control points. I'm going to pick the similar group, I think we picked six last time, we're going to pick six right now. So we've already done the nudge. You could also do scaling, however, this is a little bid different. I'm going to move those out use the page up to come upwards. But there's a limit to how much detail you can add. So what I want to show you now is adding weight to these points…
