From the course: Rhino: Designing for Consumer Electronics

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Analyzing and adjusting the surface

Analyzing and adjusting the surface - Rhino Tutorial

From the course: Rhino: Designing for Consumer Electronics

Analyzing and adjusting the surface

- In this video, I will cover how to make further edits to our geometry. We'll also evaluate our surface form and analyze the continuity. I went ahead and undid the Talent adjustment from the prior video, which made it simpler, and we're going to try another method. Let's first talk about complicated surfaces here. I'm turning on the control points with F10, and you'll see we get control points at each and every intersection of the default iso curves. This is probably way too many to make any adjustments. If I move these around, I'm going to spend too much time with moving other ones and getting things in alignment. So this is another reason why we want to keep things simple. Now turn these off with F11. Let's select the object, go to Edit, Rebuild. Now this gives us the Point count in both direction U and V, and the degree, which I'm going to leave those alone. I'm going to modify mine to 16 and 20. So that's roughly half of what it was previously. Go ahead and hit Ok to accept. Now…
