From the course: Rhino: Designing for Consumer Electronics

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Building curves for the side view

Building curves for the side view - Rhino Tutorial

From the course: Rhino: Designing for Consumer Electronics

Building curves for the side view

- In this video, we'll build our crossing, or profile curves. These will go in the opposite or second direction to the curve that we've already made. We can draw one in our side view but since this form bends away from our normal construction plane, we're going to have to use a more advanced process to get some of these other curves. However, let's focus on the center first. That will definitely be easy. I'm going to switch view ports here and maybe just maximize the right view port. So, I'm going to just draw one of these profiles here right on the construction plane. I'm going to go to control point curve. This is one of those situations where you don't have to that accurate and it's also going to start snapping like crazy since we have other geometry in the scene. We're not going to worry about that. I'm going to show you a technique to kind of simplify it and clean it back up. That looks pretty close. You can do some additional dragging and nudging. I'm just going to assume this…
