From the course: Rhino: Designing for Consumer Electronics

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Creating a joystick

Creating a joystick

- In this video, we'll build a joystick for our game controller. A simple geometric joystick form will actually be pretty easy. The real challenge will be making the transition to the organic geometry of the controller case. We'll explore a different approach with each of the two joysticks. Let's zoom in to the left joystick, a couple ideas here I want you to keep in mind is all the curves do not need to be joined to do a revolve at the same time. Also, we're utilizing the technique of making things bigger so there's always an obvious overlap or intersection. That's definitely the case here, so let's select all of these. I'll zoom out so I can hit that top of the axis. This will be a surface revolve, add a snap there and just pick another point down below. Nice little shortcut here is full circle, and again, with separate curves we get separate surfaces. Which actually can be what you prefer if you want to have different materials. Okay, at this point we actually have two different…
