From the course: Rhino: Designing for Consumer Electronics

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Making a D-pad button

Making a D-pad button

- [Voiceover] In this video, we make a "D-Pad", or Directional Pad button. This is also called a four-way, and it's just a button shaped like a big ol' plus sign. Now, in the other round buttons we already did, we used the case for placements. This time, we're going to use the case as part of the button geometry itself. I'm going to zoom in to some curves already drawn. So, I've got both the button and the button opening or "well", both drawn as a simple offset. Typically you'd do a project on most flat surfaces, let's just do that for comparison. So, I'm going to select the curve, go to the curve menu, and under "Curve From Objects," there is the project command we've used many times. Surfaces to project onto is the case itself. Don't forget we've got the construction plane right below so that controls the direction of projection. So, go ahead and click on the case, right click to accept. And although this is not an extreme example, we do have some distortion. The shape here at the…
