From the course: Rhino: Designing for Consumer Electronics

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Tips for making a trigger

Tips for making a trigger

- Coming up next, we're going to build some trigger buttons. We have two located at the lower front of the case, but, they are symmetrical, so we can focus on one button and then just mirror the results. Let's zoom in to check out some curves already drawn. So, see we have two different sets of curves, and these will be extruded into different directions where we'd then find the intersection. Notice that the curve I have highlighted is closed, and that's actually pretty important. If it's not closed, then the intersections won't be readily found by Rhino. Let's go ahead and just start the process with Surface, Extrude. Make sure Both Sides is selected. I have mine set at Yes, but that could be switched pretty easily. I'm also utilizing the technique of making these way bigger than we need to, so therefore, the intersection is very obvious. Okay, we can also pick both at the same time, and since they're on a plane now, if I right-click or come up here to Extrude, the direction should…
