From the course: Ruby on Rails Models and Associations

Efficient, object-oriented data management - Ruby on Rails Tutorial

From the course: Ruby on Rails Models and Associations

Efficient, object-oriented data management

- [Kevin] This course extends your knowledge of Ruby on Rails by learning some of the many useful features of models and associations. Rails provides powerful tools that make it easy to work with database records in an object-oriented way. Features such as named scopes, validations, callbacks, and associations provide structure and automate common data tasks. We will walk through each of these built-in features step by step and apply the techniques to a sample project. Then you can use those same techniques in your own projects. My name is Kevin Skoglund. I've been using Ruby on Rails since 2006 to build dozens of real world applications for my clients. I'm excited for you to learn how Ruby on Rails can speed up and improve development of full-featured web applications. Let's get started learning about models and associations in Ruby on Rails.
