From the course: Ruby: Testing with RSpec

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Acceptance testing

Acceptance testing

- In this movie, we'll learn about tools that can help you with Acceptance Testing. You may be wondering, what is Acceptance Testing? Most of the testing that we've looked at, so far, has been Unit Testing. Unit Tests verify the functionality of discrete parts of our code. These units represent the smallest parts of our code, and these tests are typically focused on individual methods on individual classes. There is a second category of tests which are called Integration Tests. The terminology varies widely with regard to Integration Tests, especially in other languages and platforms, but in the RSpec world, Integration Tests are tests that span several units. They test the integration between those units. For example, if we're working with a Ruby on Rails application, an Integration Test might test where the routing and controllers need to co-operate in order to work properly, or how the controllers and models need to integrate with our mailing code to send out emails. We're testing…
