From the course: Running a Design Business: The Staffing Rule Book

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Client-focused or billable functional areas

Client-focused or billable functional areas

- In preparing to develop or grow your organization, it's important to first understand the billable and non-billable functional areas involved in running most creative businesses. The core billable functional areas and skills that need to be fulfilled on any size team to ensure all areas of client, project, and creative needs are a bit obvious and self-explanatory, but are worth reviewing as we prepare to learn to evolve and grow our organizational structure. Some examples of billable functional areas include project and client management, strategic thinking, creative development, and execution. Project and client management includes schedule, budget, and workflow management, day-to-day client management, and communications. Strategic thinking includes brand strategy, positioning, naming, and content strategy. Creative development includes creative direction, design, writing, information architecture, and user experience.…
