From the course: Running a Design Business: The Staffing Rule Book

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Job postings

Job postings

- Now, let's talk about job postings, including what they are, when they are needed and when they're not, and what information should be included in order to attract the most qualified candidates. Job postings are what you use when you're looking to post an open position. It's not a detailed job description, more on that later, but a brief outline of three things. First, who you are as a firm. This should highlight what makes you firm appealing and what makes you different. It should also describe who you work with and what types of work you do. Second, who you're looking for. Include the skills and experience required for the position. Also, what type of soft skills and personality would be required to fit the role in your company culture. And third, what the job and role involves in terms of high-level responsibilities. For best practices, keep them concise, but ensure they're engaging, and differentiate your firm and…
