From the course: Running a Design Business: The Staffing Rule Book

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Promotion paths

Promotion paths

- Many creative teams often align performance reviews with promotions and raises, when they aren't always one in the same. Yes, there are one way to help retain top talent and keep your team motivated, but this isn't the only way. You also have to give your team a clear career path to follow, to align expectations. Let's discuss some guidelines when planning and thinking about promotions. It's important to first understand that a raise doesn't always equal a promotion. Recognize that not everyone is ready for, or even interested in a promotion. For example, many designers are promoted to art director roles, but they just want to design and aren't interested in or don't have the skills to direct or manage others. Be cautious and strategic in what titles you're offering as part of the promotion. It's important that each person's title aligns with what they do, not how long they are with your team or just to make…
