From the course: Running a Design Business: The Staffing Rule Book

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The role and responsibility of the firm's leadership

The role and responsibility of the firm's leadership

From the course: Running a Design Business: The Staffing Rule Book

The role and responsibility of the firm's leadership

- Now that you, as the firm's principal, have learned to get out of daily firefighting to focus on the bigger picture of your business overall and move to a more directive or visionary maturity level, let's discuss the responsibilities of a principal and what that may look like. Ideally, as the principal, you may split your time among different areas of your business, depending on the needs of your current business model. In a small team, the allocation of a principal time is often very different than within a larger team. As a creative firm grows and evolves, the principal's time is reallocated to higher-level leadership roles that are non-billable. So they empower senior members of their team to take on more management and design-driven responsibilities. For example, this pie chart represents the principal of a team with less than 10 employees. As you can see, their time is split among six different areas; some…
