From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2021 Essential Training

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Creating blocks

Creating blocks

- [Lecturer] Blocks are non solving sketch entities that can be used throughout your design. Now, before you can actually have a block, we need to create a block. And right here on my screen, you can see I've got a fairly complicated sketch, which is a cutout for a motherboard. Now I want to take all these sketch entities here and turn them into a block that I can then cut out of a piece of sheet metal that I'm going to use somewhere else in my design. To do that we need to make sure we have the block toolbar turned on. Now, right over here, I have it docked to the right-hand side of my screen, if you don't have that turned on, right click anywhere up here, come over here to toolbars and come down here to block to make sure you do turn on the block toolbar. Now, what I'm going to do is I'm going to window over all these sketch entities here, and they come over here to the very top icon, which is Make block, click on…
