From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2021 Essential Training

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Creating your first 3D part

Creating your first 3D part

- [Instructor] This section of the course is called "The Quick Start Guide". And I'm going to be showing you some of the basic steps for creating 3D solids inside of SolidWorks. To get started let's go ahead and fire up a brand new part. Now I can either click on the Home icon here at the top, or just click on New and that gives me the option for a part, an assembly or a drawing and I want to start with a part. So click on that and then click on Okay. All right, now we're here and the first thing, anything that's going to be designed inside of SolidWorks needs to have is a sketch on a face or a plane. Now, the planes are right over here. So you got the front plane. You got the top plane and you've got the right plane. And up here we've got a couple of different toolbars. So we've got the ribbon bar set up for Sketch. We've got Features. We've got Sheet Metal, Evaluate. And again, these are modifiable so I don't…
