From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2021 Essential Training

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Direct Editing: Move/Copy Bodies

Direct Editing: Move/Copy Bodies - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2021 Essential Training

Direct Editing: Move/Copy Bodies

- [Instructor] The direct editing set of tools is a great way to work with solids or surfaces that are imported from another software package. Or if you're just trying to modify something that you have and you don't want to go back through the tree and try to figure out how it was created. You just want to move something around. That's where these tools really shine. If you don't have the direct editing tool bar turned on head up here to any one of these tabs, right-click on it, come over here to Tabs and come down here to direct editing. Now, inside of there are a whole bunch of different tools. And the one we're going to be working with is this Move Copy Bodies tool, which is right over here. But in order to use that tool, we need to actually have a secondary body. So let's go ahead and create something. And in this case, I'm going to choose the top plane, go ahead and click on it. So I'm…
