From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2021 Essential Training

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Magnetic Mates

Magnetic Mates

- [Narrator] Magnetic Mates are a really quick and easy way to meet together individual components. Now you do need to establish the Magnetic Mates in the part you're working on but once you have those Magnetic Mates created then you can easily connect components together. Let me show you how it works. If you grab a component that already has a Magnetic Mate that's active if you click on it, notice all these little pink or purple dots that show up in any one of these components that you get close to. You see that little line that pops up there, it's saying, hey I'm going to try to connect these guys together. If you let go, those components will slide together with that Magnetic Mate same thing with this component over here I can just quickly grab a component bring it over to the next one. Again I just keep moving and connecting things as I go. Now, if you click on a component and that's not the component you want,…
