From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2021 Essential Training

Making swept cuts

- [Instructor] Swept cuts are similar to a regular sweep, however, with the swept cut feature, we actually have a few extra options, which I'm going to show you. So right over here, you can see I've got a bunch of different sketches that I've pre-made here, and I've got this block of brass that I want to start cutting into. So, to get started, what we need for any type of sweep feature is normally a profile and a path. So right up here under sketch two is the shape right here. And I can choose that one there, so I'd go ahead up to swept cut. And that is because I already preselected it. It shows up right there in the profile, which is good. My path, I'm going to go ahead and choose this outside edge, if I wanted to, and it's going to go all the way around the outside of my part. This would be very similar to something like a router bit. If I want to router the outside shape there. Click okay, and there you have my nice routered edge. Okay, if we then wanted to take and make a hole through this part, which should be pretty fancy. How you actually make this, I have no idea. It would probably have to be some type of a molded or cast part, but if we want to make a swept cut, that would be kind of cool that we cut through here, we can do that. So I'm going to go over here and create this, or actually I have this sketch right here, it's called sketch six. And sketch seven is the path, so go up here to swept cut. And you can see here, I've got my profile, which is going to be sketch seven. Now you could choose, instead of selecting that circle, we could also say circular profile. That'll be another option if we wanted to, but for right now, because we do have it, let's go ahead and just choose that one there. And then the path is going to be sketch six. Click okay, and you can see I've cut in there. It goes around, and it breaks through a place, it's a couple of places here on the sides. Which we probably don't want to do in real life, but it's kind of cool to see what's actually happening in there because I'm just taking that shape and I'm cutting it through my part and you're seeing what's happening to create it. And if you want to, you can come over here and do a section view, and we can choose over to the top plane here and we can take a look and see what's going on in there. And there is our section view of our path. So again, pretty cool. Alright, exit out of that. And then the final example I have for you is called a solid sweep. So this red shape here, which is just a cylinder, is representative of an endmill in like a machining center. And we're going to take that endmill, and we're going to cut it down into this piece of brass. Now you're going to get a little bit different shape here. It's going to be different from what you'd see if you just had a circular profile and you cut it into the shape. So up here under swept cut. This time, I'm going to go down to solid profile. So this is a solid sweep. And it's going to give you a little information here. So we're actually going to take this tool and we're going to absorb it into this feature. So it's a multibody part at this point in time, notice over here, there's two different bodies. Here's my endmill, and here's my piece that I'm going to be cutting into. Solid profile. So what is my tool body? Well, I'm going to choose that body right there. And then what am I going to be cutting into or what's the path? And the path is right here. Go ahead and click okay. And you can see that it actually takes and makes this kind of cove. If you look at it that angle there, you can see exactly what it would look like if you took an endmill and plunged it down into this part and at the bottom, it does have that circular profile exactly like what you'd see if you ran an endmill into that part. So, this is especially cool to use if you're actually going to be really machining apart because you can create geometry exactly like you would actually in a CNC machine. So definitely take a look at the solid sweep. It's definitely one of the cooler things you can do with the swept profile.
