From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2021 Essential Training

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Using the Spline tool

Using the Spline tool

- [Instructor] Splines are one of the most powerful and complicated of the sketch entities. Let me show you how they work. Right up here under the spline tool, I can actually click in the drop-down, I can see there's multiple ways we can create splines. So we have the spline here. We have a style spline. We can also create a spline on a surface or an equation-driven curve, but right now let's just focus on regular splines, as well as style splines. So I'm going to choose a regular spline here. I'll go ahead and choose the front plane. And I can click where I want to start. And then again, I can click where I want to end, and notice that tool stays active. Now, if you actually hit escape at any point in time, that will turn that off. And this turns into what would look like a regular line. However, it's not. This is actually a spline. So you can grab these little controls here and you can move those controls around to…
