From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Designing for Consumer Electronics

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- [Instructor] We now have an assembly with two halves of the controller in it. If this was a real life assembly and these were physical parts, then we'd need to somehow join them together. If you're starting this chapter, Chapter Four, from scratch, then the exercise files to use are those from Chapter Three. So unzip Chapter Three and open the assembly file, which is 03_02_Create an Assembly.SLDASM. The simplest way to do this might be to just glue them together, but with product design, as well as considering Design for Manufacture, which is how your parts will be made, and Design for Assembly, which is how they'll be put together, we should also consider Design for Disassembly, how your products will eventually be taken apart, which might be at the end of their life or for repair during use. If we glue these two halves together, then it's really hard to take them apart without damaging them. So a better option…
