From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Simulation for Finite Element Analysis

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Separate studies

Separate studies

- [Instructor] The traditional way of handling multiple load cases in SolidWorks simulation is to set up parallel analysis studies. That means one analysis per load case. We're going to show you this method in this video. So, from the Analysis Study tab, here, we select Copy Study and then the form here is saying what's the source study, which is our con rod static analysis and then it wants a new study name. We're going to use the name: compression case. The configuration we're going to use means the geometric configuration and again we've only got one, which is our default. Again, our target study is a static analysis. So, we check OK. Now, we have a new study window: compression case. This study is now stand-alone, the compression case and it's separate completely from the original con rod static analysis case. So, it can work on this compression case completely independently. So, let's go back to the original study case, here. What we're going to do is suppress the compression…
