From the course: Strategies to Learn and Upskill More Effectively

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How to use a mind palace

How to use a mind palace

- Imagine you've learned a new procedure at work with lots of complicated steps. You could, and probably should, write it down for future reference. You could use retrieval practice and other strategies you've learned in this course. But what if you needed to learn something now and be able to remember it whenever you need it without notes and without repetition? In this case, a memory trick called the method of loci may be helpful. The method of loci, also known as a "mind palace", is an ancient memory strategy used to remember lists of items in order. To make one, you simply create mental images of things you want to remember and place them along a pathway you already know, such as rooms in your house or along your morning running route or commute to work. That's it. The reason this works so well is that you naturally have an outstanding memory for certain things, like spatial navigation. Think about it. While…
