From the course: Strategies to Learn and Upskill More Effectively

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Reduce absentmindedness

Reduce absentmindedness

- Have you ever gone to the printer to grab some copies only to return to your desk empty-handed? Or lost something because you were on a call? This kind of forgetting is often because of absent-mindedness. It happens when we're unfocused. To understand why this happens, let's talk about the three main steps that your brain naturally goes through when learning new things. Encoding, storage, and retrieval. Encoding is transforming new things into a form that can be stored in your brain. How well you encode something depends on things like your attention, motivation, and strategies you use while learning. Consolidation is strengthening and storing that information over time, sometimes for short periods of time, and sometimes for a lifetime. Retrieval is getting back that stored information when you need it. Absent-mindedness really hurts the encoding stage of learning. When you become unfocused or aren't paying…
