From the course: Strategies to Learn and Upskill More Effectively

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Sleep to learn more effectively

Sleep to learn more effectively

- How did you sleep last night? Throughout the night, your brain cycles through different stages of sleep, which improve your learning in different ways. Do you want to remember what you've learned in this course or the name of your new boss? Those are examples of declarative memories and they are strengthened during deep, slow wave sleep. Having trouble learning that new procedure or skill at work? These procedural memories and motor skills are called non-declarative memories and they're consolidated during rapid eye movement or REM sleep. During both stages of sleep, connections among neurons are strengthened and toxic waste is cleared in your brain. As the night goes on, the amount of time your brain spends in each phase of sleep changes. Specifically, the duration of your REM sleep increases as the night goes on. Think about what that means for your non-declarative learning. If you miss just a couple hours of…
