From the course: Substance Painter 2018 Essential Training

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Adding a second painted material

Adding a second painted material

- [Instructor] So in this video we're gonna pick up right where we left off and we're gonna start to create a variation here on our painted metal material, which is, again, this orangish yellow. But before we do that I'm just gonna show you a couple more things. So again, I have my Paint layer here in my Rust and I have my paintbrush and I think I'm just using this Dirt 2 brush. And then what I'm doing here is I'm applying a Stencil, so if we come back over here to, let's see, our Stencil and again, you wanna make sure to get the most out of your Stencil you can adjust the Balance. Try to get it as black and white as possible. And then I'm coming into here and just using this Stencil. So you can see here I'm just using it to paint in some of these areas like this. So we'll paint this up. And just to get some added detail in here. So we'll come in here and we'll just work on this a little bit more, like this. Okay. And we'll come down here to, let's say, this section. Let's break some…
