From the course: Substance Painter 2018 Essential Training

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Adding scratches to the roughness

Adding scratches to the roughness

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to further refine our metal material, and we're gonna learn about layer masking, in the process. As well as using some generators. Alright, so let's get started where we left off, in the previous video. So here, like I said, we have our base material. And here we have some Roughness. Now, I would like to show you kind of another way that I like to work with Roughness. So I'm gonna build layers up. Now, as we work in Painter, and we work kind of procedural, like we're doing here in this layer stack, the more layering that we can do, and the more detail we can add, the better your result is gonna be. So I like to go through more of this layering process. So, currently what we did was, in our fill layer, we had our Roughness, we just put this straight into the channel of our fill. And we used Levels here to kind of reprocess some of the ranges of this grunge map. So now I'd like to create a fill on top of this. And I'm gonna call this rough…
