From the course: Substance Painter 2018 Essential Training

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Continuing to apply materials

Continuing to apply materials

- [Instructor] In this video we're going to complete this texturing here of these back body pieces. So you can see I have my railing parts, this is the texture set enabled. I also have this cabin outdoor. Here I also have the back bumper fan and the back hydraulics here, and this is just the back that we've been working on so we can kind of see everything together. All right, so let's concentrate here on this back bumper. So let's come over here to this back piece. So again, I'm just gonna quickly select that with my keyboard shortcut, and let's come into here and take a look at, we have this Loader Painted metal, and then we just change the color. So I'd like to use this again. So what I'm gonna do in this case, instead of making a smart material, which I could, is simply just right-click on the layer, I'm just gonna copy the layers. So we can copy and paste layers between texture sets as well. And then here again we'll select this back bumper, so Control + Alt + right-click, we'll…
