From the course: Substance Painter 2018 Essential Training

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Creating and applying a Smart Material

Creating and applying a Smart Material

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to finish up creating our metal by just taking all these layers and compiling them into a smart material. Now, it's really easy to do this. What I'm gonna do is come over here to my layer stack and I'm gonna add a folder. So I'll click this folder button here, this is a layer group, we can call it, and I'm gonna select all my layers. So if I select my base, hold down shift and left-click to select the rough scratches, we can select all the layers and then simply left-click, drag and drop and place them here into this folder. And now I'm gonna give this a name. In my case, I think I'll gonna call this just loader metal. So we'll keep loader so that we keep this material easily searchable for this project as we work. But this could be used in any other project, it's not meaning that when we create a smart material, that we can use it within this project across various texture sets, but we could also use it in any other project. So once you…
