From the course: Substance Painter 2018 Essential Training

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Creating edge wear

Creating edge wear

- [Instructor] Now in this video, we are going to add another layer of complexity here to this metal that we're creating, and we're gonna add just a little bit of edge wear. So to do that, what we're gonna do is we're gonna come over here to this base fill and I'm gonna duplicate this layer. So I can right click and I can duplicate the layer, ctrl+d is the keyboard short cut there. So I'm just going to duplicate this and then here on top we'll just call this edge wear. Now we have this effect just on top of the base layer. And what I'm gonna do here, is with the layer selected, I'm gonna come over to my material tab and I'm gonna select the base color and I'm going to increase the value. So I'm gonna brighten this up quite a bit. So we get something like this here. Alright, so now we have this layer on top. So if I toggle this on and off, you can see the different that we're getting. So now, I want to do something similar to what we did with our scratches. We want to mask this layer…
