From the course: Substance Painter 2018 Essential Training

Exercise files

- [Instructor] In this video, we're gonna take a look at the structure of the exercise files. So here let me just open up this Exercise Files window here, and you can see that within the Exercise Files, we're gonna have an images, a maya, a meshes folder, and then you also here are gonna see the final Substance Painter project, and that is the project that you see here in the video currently. With this Substance Painter project, we're not going to have a intermediate Painter project for each chapter, and the reason being is that the Painter projects can become very large. What you're gonna get here with this course is the Painter project, the final project. You will be able to go in and look at all of the layers and just kind of see how things are set up. So if you get lost in any way, just know that you can jump right into the finished project, go to the texture set and layer, and see exactly what I did in the layer stack. Going back here to these Exercise Files, we have images, so in this image folder, there's gonna be some content. Now, we're going to use these three texture maps within the Painter project, so we're gonna be importing these, and in the images folder is where you're gonna find those. Here I have the maya folder, and these are two .ma, these are the Maya source files for this generic front end loader. We have the MA file and then I have an ID. You won't need these throughout the course, but I just wanted to include them so you have those there. If we go back here to the Exercise Files and the meshes folder, now here are the FBX files that we are definitely going to be using in the course. So this first one here, this generic_front_loader.fbx, this is going to be the FBX that we build the Substance Painter project from. It's the mesh that you see here in the Substance Painter project. And then here we have a version of that underscore id, so this is gonna be used to bake an ID map. So these two will be used, as well. And then, like I said, you have the final, completed Substance Painter project.
