From the course: Substance Painter 2018 Essential Training

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Finishing the bucket

Finishing the bucket

- [Instructor] In this video, we're gonna finish up texturing this bucket, and by doing so, I'm just going to further illustrate some more techniques and basically how we work here in Painter with the materials we've created so far, and how we're using those en masse to blend between all these various materials. All right, so the next thing I want to do here is I'm gonna open up my shelf. Let's come over here, let's break this shelf off, and let's come over here to our smart materials, and I'm going to do a search here for our loader, and we have our loader metal, and I'm gonna use this, so let's left-click an drag and drop this guy here towards the top, so we'll close our shelf, and here's what we're getting. Now, right off the bat, here's one thing that I want to show you. So, if we look at this, we can see the loader metal is on top, however, we're still seeing the height from the rust underneath of it, and this can be quite confusing, cause you're like, well, why isn't that…
