From the course: Substance Painter 2018 Essential Training

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Importing content

Importing content

- [Voiceover] In this video we're gonna take a look at how you can import resources to your painter project. So here I'm gonna go to the file menu, and choose import resources. Now here in the resources dialogue, we're going to add some resources, so we'll simply click the add resource button. We're going to navigate to the exercise files, images folder, and we're gonna select these three images, and we're gonna click open. So here they're loaded in the import resources dialogue, and at the far right, you can see that we have this button here that says undefined. So let's select this algorithmic logo to start, and let's click this button and you'll notice this little popup appears that gives me some options. We have alpha, colorlut, environment and texture. And what these options are, they are called useages and these useages are types that are filtered in our substance painter shelf. Now the shelf contains all of the content that we ship with substance painter and it's content, like…
