From the course: Substance Painter 2018 Essential Training

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Improving the metal

Improving the metal

- [Narrator] In this video I wanna talk just briefly about some ways that we can improve our metal. So here, I am on my front hydraulics. If we look at this, this is the front hydraulics texture set. This is where we have our original metal that we worked on. So let's come back here to where we have this base. This is the base part of the metal. And so, one of the things I want to do here is I'm going to come over to my filters, and here we have these finishing filters. And these are really good for creating some nice variation in metal. So, for instance, you can see that this allows you to create like a brushed metal effect, just all kinds of different ones. The one that I want to work with here in this particular case is going to be the one towards the bottom. Which again is getting cut off here in the screen capture, but it's called Matte Finish Rough. So I'm just going to left click to add this filter. Now here, you can see that we start to get some kind of detail. So, let's take…
