From the course: Substance Painter 2018 Essential Training

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Masking the rust with effects and generators

Masking the rust with effects and generators - Substance Painter Tutorial

From the course: Substance Painter 2018 Essential Training

Masking the rust with effects and generators

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to create a mask for our rust so that we can reveal the painted metal layer underneath of that. So to start, I'm gonna create a layer group and let's call this rust. Now let's take our AO, I'ma hold down Shift, height and rust, these three layers and let's left click and drag and drop them here into the rust group. So now we have rust and then we have this painted metal layer underneath. And so what we wanna do is mask this rust. Okay so in order to do that, of course we need to start by just coming in here and right clicking on the layer and choosing Add Black Mask. Alright, so now we just gonna go through the process of creating our layering up and effect mask here to create this overall masking effect. And there's a lot of different ways we could go about doing this. Let's see here, let's come into our effect and let's add a generator. And the way I'm gonna do this here is I'm gonna start by creating the mask editor and so we start with the…
