From the course: Substance Painter 2018 Essential Training

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Mirroring details

Mirroring details

- [Instructor] In this video, we're gonna talk about the mirroring functionality on our brush. So, we've applied the materials in the previous video and now I'm just going through that same process that we've covered so far in this course of just going in and just hand-painting some details and things like that. And so here you can see that I have my loader rust that we've added, and I'm starting to add some detail. So, just like we did in a previous video, I added a generator here for just the dirt so I can kind of put some dirt and some of these kind of more occluded type areas. And then, of course, I increased the contrast amount for this. So I might just back that off a little bit. So now we have our detail and this is where we can start to pain detail. So, for example, if I come in and I start, let's just say, painting some detail here, well it's not showing up on the other side and I'd have to do that on the other side. Now, ideally, you'd want to do this on both sides. So…
