From the course: Substance Painter 2018 Essential Training

Navigating the views

- [Presenter] In this video, we're gonna take a look at how we can navigate the view port. Now, here I'm using the default UI within Substance Painter, and if we go to Window, Reset UI, that's going to bring us to the default view port. Now, what I'm gonna do is just disable all of the views that we see, so I'm gonna come over here to these different views and just close them out. And what we're gonna do throughout this course is we're gonna open and use these views as we need them. So this will allow us to have a really nice, big, open canvas that we can work with in our project and, also, it will introduce parts of the UI when we need to use them. Alright, so here we have the 3D view, and we'd like to be able to navigate this, and this works by default like Maya Navigation. So for example, if I need to rotate the 3D view, I can simply hold the ALT key and the left mouse button to rotate the 3D view. Now, if I want to zoom in, I can hold the ALT key and the right mouse button, and move the mouse forward and backward to zoom in and out. Now to pan the view, I can hold the ALT key and the middle mouse button and drag to pan the view. We also have a 2D view that we can work with. So here at the top of the toolbar, you'll see that we have the flag set to 3D Only. I'm gonna click this drop down, and I'm gonna switch this here to the 3D/2D Split. So here you'll see that I have my 3D view and my 2D view, and the 2D view can be navigated similar to the 3D view. So for example, if I hold down my ALT key and right mouse button and move up and down, I can zoom the 2D view. If I hold down the ALT key and use my left mouse button, I can rotate the view, and the pivot point for the rotation is going to be placed exactly where my mouse cursor is. And then, finally, if I want to pan the 2D view, I can use the ALT key and the middle mouse button to pan. Now one last thing I will bring your attention to: If I hold down the ALT key and I left mouse and then I hold down SHIFT, I can snap the rotation of the 2D view. Okay, so, that's how we use the 3D and the 2D view for navigation. Again, here at the top of the toolbar, I can toggle these views to be 3D Only, 3D/2D Split, and here are the keyboard shortcuts associated with these different view port modes. Now we also have this Swap 3D/2D option, so if I choose this, it just swaps the 2D and the 3D depending on what side you'd like to work with. So for example, here I have the 2D view on the left side. I'm more used to using the 2D view on the right side, so I'll keep it like this. Now as I said, by default we're using the Maya Navigation, and if you'd like to change that, you can do so in the preferences. So if we come over here to Edit, I can choose the Settings, and here in the Settings window if I go to My Shortcuts, and if I scroll through this list of keyboard shortcuts, you'll find that we have camera navigation controls. Here you can see we have Camera Translate, again set to ALT + middle. Here is the Camera Rotate set to ALT + left, and so on, and you can simply change these keyboard shortcuts if you would like. So in my case again, I'm just going to keep things at the default. So that is how we navigate our 3D and our 2D view here in Substance Painter.
