From the course: Substance Painter 2018 Essential Training

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- So, this is gonna conclude this Substance Painter course. I wanna thank you for sitting with me through this course, and also, I hope you had a lot of fun as you embarked on this journey to learn Substance Painter. I really love the software. Substance Painter is a lot of fun. It's easy, it's quick to pick up. It doesn't take a lot of work or time to produce something that looks pretty cool, and most importantly, it's fun to work with as a program. So, one of the key takeaways that I want you to think about after this course is we call it Substance Painter and you think, "Oh, painting, paintbrush," but Substance Painter is unique on many aspects, one of which is the procedural nature. So, you have a layer stacking, you can create layers and work procedurally. And we did that a lot through this course. We started working a lot procedurally and we didn't really get into too much painting early in the stage. And you would think, "Well, the Painter's in the name, you know," but the…
