From the course: Substance Painter 2018 Essential Training

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Painting bolts

Painting bolts

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to go in and paint some additional details here such as some bolts on our material. Now before we get started I just want to let you know that I've kind of gone through the process, and just kind of finished up texturing these different texture sets, just using the exact same techniques that we've been doing previously. Just filled in some of these other textures sets. Now one thing I do want to mention is this section right here, originally I had this as a metal, but I decided just to change it here to this painted metal with this rust layer. Same thing again. The exact same technique that we've been doing throughout the whole entire course so far. Okay, so now at this stage what I want to do is like I said go in, and talk about adding some extra detail here for some bolts. So let's come over here to our texture set list, and I'm actually selected the cabin outdoor, and so I'm going to come into the layers stack here, and above that, well…
