From the course: Substance Painter 2018 Essential Training

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Refining the rust on the bucket

Refining the rust on the bucket

- [Instructor] In this video we're gonna refine the texturing that we have here on this bucket. So right now it's pretty basic, like I said, we have a pretty good start here. So I'm on the bucket texture set, and we've instanced done here in the arm texture set, so we have this single layer but we really can't edit anything. So I wanna add some more rust here. So I'm gonna come over here to my shelf. So I'll activate my shelf, let's comes over to our smart materials, and here we'll a quick search for loader, and here's our loader rust. And I'm gonna take the loader rust and just place it here at the top of the layer stack here. Alright, so now we have our rust. If we come over here to our mask, we have our add detail. Here again, I'll go back quickly here to my shelf, let's come over here to our brushes. Here with our brushes, I'm going to use this dirt one brush. Now I'll just kinda close my shelf, or if I want to I can dock it if I'm gonna be using the shelf quite a bit, it just…
