From the course: Substance Painter 2018 Essential Training

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Texturing the back

Texturing the back

- [Instructor] In this video we're gonna dive into texturing the back, here. So kind of following along with some of what we've already been covering, here, let's come over here, to our shelf, and here we'll expand, and go to our smart materials. Let's close this guy out, and let's just filter, here, for our loader. And we're gonna grab our Loader Rust, once again, so let's left-click and drag and drop this guy, here, into place. Okay, so we have our Loader Rust in place, here, and let's take a look at what we have. So right now, we're gonna put this all on the edges. So one of the things that I'm gonna do with this guy, let's see, here. So what I'm gonna do, here, is I'm gonna add another generator onto here, I think. So let's come into here and add a generator. I'm gonna make sure I place this below my details. Go into my generator, let's grab our mask editor, and this time, I'm going to take the curvature and turn that off, and I wanna scroll, over here, to this position gradient…
