From the course: Substance Painter 2018 Essential Training

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Texturing the lights

Texturing the lights

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to take a look at the process of texturing these light panels here. All right, so I'm on the front hydraulic textures set and then here in the shelf I am just filtering based on here, let's come into here and do a filter, based on the content that we imported and we have this light that we imported. This is very early on in the course from the exercise files, and we're gonna use this. So what we're gonna do is create a new layer here at the very top and I'll just call this light. Now this time, to add this texture here to our material, what we're gonna do is we're gonna use this projection tool. So here on the toolbar we have a projection tool. So I'm gonna enable this, and here, let me close this out for now so we can get it back to default. Now the projection tool works just like the stencil. So you'll notice that we have the same keyboard shortcut. Then hold down the S key, left mouse button will rotate S key middle mouse will pan, and S…
