From the course: Substance Painter 2018 Essential Training

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Texturing the rims

Texturing the rims

- [Instructor] In this video, we're gonna work on the rims. So, I am on the axle_rims.01, the texture set. So let's go back here to our shelf, and I'm gonna start by using our Loader Painted metal. So let's just drag this here into the layer stack. And here's what we're getting. And let's just look here. Let's come into our Mask editor and just kinda look at some of these settings here. I actually am gonna leave everything like this for now. Let's just kinda do the same process. Let's come back over to our Loader Rust. Gonna add this in to our layer stack as well. Again, we're gonna come to height, set this to zero. Let's go back here to our settings and let's add a generator. And this time here I am going to add the Dirt generator. And I increase my contrast quite a bit. Decrease that level. Let's go back to that contrast. There we go, we'll get somethin' like this. All right, and then we can change the blending mode on this as well. So, if I set this to Add, you can see that it's…
