From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training

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Applying filters

Applying filters

- In this video, we're going to talk about filters. Now we've covered filters a little bit throughout this course but here we're just going to talk a little bit about more about how we can use them. Kind of like some overall use case here. So what I want to do is focus first on the bottom, these little metal brackets here on the bottom of the cabinet. And so if we look at where we are here, this is our layer stack. We have this, this is the aluminum rough scratch. This is the more complex version that we created. And if we look in our layered group, we have this this as our base. So what I'm going to do with this layer selected is come up to the magic tool, the magic wand tool. I'm going to add a filter. I'm just going to right click this here so we can see this, it's going to get cut off in the screen capture. So let's come over to the filter button and click it. It's going to filter. You can see here is the…
