From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training

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Applying materials using Color Selection

Applying materials using Color Selection - Substance Painter Tutorial

From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training

Applying materials using Color Selection

- [Instructor] In this video, we are going to start to apply our materials to our various texture sets. Now, make sure you've saved your project if you haven't done that yet and it's easy to do, we'll come up here to file and hit save or save as. If you hit save as for the first time saving the project, just give it a name and it creates a substance painter project file that's a .spp, and the substance painter project will contain all of your baked mesh maps. It will also contain your mesh as well as any of the resources you've imported. So you'll have this single file where everything is embedded into it, you don't have to worry about linked files getting displaced or anything like that. All right, so, if you have been following along and you've created this sub shelf, a tab, you can work straight from this, and again you can see it makes it nice and easy to apply our content. If you don't have this tab, a quick way to…
