From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training

Exercise files

- In this video we're going to take a look at the structure of the exercise files. So here we're taking a look at the exercise files and the first thing I want to bring to your attention is the guitar amp completed substance painter project. That's what we're actually looking at here. So this is going to be the completed project for the course. Now substance painter projects can be quite large and the reason being is because it basically embeds everything within it. So for example all the bake maps that we create, any of the resources that we embed, I'm sorry import into the project. The model file, all that is part of the painter project and because of that, files sizes can be quite large. So that means that for each one of the chapters that we have in the course we're not going to have a corresponding substance painter project for that. So for example you won't see like, chapter five, video one painter project or chapter six video six painter project. There's just going to be this completed project and if you ever get lost, throughout the course you can always open up this painter project and just you know take a look at the layer stack and just kind of find your bearings through there. What we're going to do in the course and as we work through it, we're going to create everything that you see here from scratch. So we're going to start with a brand new project, you don't need any starter files for painter. What we're going to do is, we're going to you know create the project from scratch. So with that said, the next asset that I want to bring your attention to is this one here which is the guitar amp fbx. So this is the model file that we're going to be using and this model file is how we're going to build our painter project. So a painter project uses a, it's basically built around a mesh and so this is what we're going to use. Now the next assets that I want to bring your attention to is this resources folder. So let's jump into that and you'll see that we have several resources here. Now we're going to use these resources throughout the texturing process in the course and you'll see here, if we just filter this by type. We have several types of files here. So for example there's a couple of PNGs and these are going to be based on textures. Here I have a painter preset file and then I have a series of smart material files. These are all specific to painter and finally I have some substance material files the SBSARs so these are all going to be referencing materials and you'll notice that I have a prefix for each one of these files and these basically let you know what this file is being used for, inside of substance painter and when we get into the import video, you'll see specifically how these names, relate to the usages. So that's how we use the substance painter file project exercise files here in this training tutorial.
