From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training

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General UI overview

General UI overview

- [Instructor] So now that we know how to navigate our view, let's just take a quick just kind of general overview of the entire UI. So right here, right in the middle, we have our 3D view, as we've already discussed in the previous video. At the top of the view, we have a toolbar, and these are going to be properties and this is context sensitive based on the tool that we have selected. So over here on the far left, I have a toolbar. I have my brush and here with the brush, you can see I have some properties here. Now if I change this to say the eraser tool, or here, we can go to the smudge tool or even the clone tool, you can see some of these tools are changing. So again, this little toolbar menu is going to be context sensitive based on the tool that we have selected. Again, here I've clicked this is our polygon fill tool and you can see that the toolbar has completely changed. So I'll just come back here to my…
