From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training

Material assignment

- [Narrator] When modeling you are often assigning materials to polygon parts or polygon faces. And so it's important to understand how Substance Painter interprets a material id that you set within your 3D program. So in this example here you can see that I have three mesh parts. Now each one of these mesh parts, if we take a look at cabinet, here you can see that I've assigned a material called cabinet, and that's for all of these parts, or all these faces. If we come over here and take a look at the parts, again, I've created a separate material, and I've just called this parts, and then finally I have this speaker front, again, I've assigned the faces here a material id that I call speaker. So whenever you set a material id in your 3D program and you import that, you save that as an fbx, which is what we typically will use when working in Substance Painter, so when you import that 3D model into Substance Painter, it takes a look at any of these materials that you've added, again, either, you know, to the polygon faces, and it will create what we refer to as a texture set. So when you think of Substance Painter, when you think of a material, think of a texture set. So when you have a texture set in Substance Painter, you're going to have an associated layer stack with that, and that's where we're going to create all of our textures, but the end product of this is that when we export the textures from Substance Painter you're going to get a set of textures. So again, just to recap, a material that you create in your 3D program, anything that you assign a material to, it's going to become a texture set within Substance Painter.
