From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training

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Navigating the 3D/2D views

Navigating the 3D/2D views

- In this video, we'll take a look at how to navigate our 2D and 3D views. So let's get right to it. Here we have our 3D view by default. Now, this uses Maya navigation so if I hold down the Alt key and the left mouse button I can orbit around here. And so wherever my mouse is located so we'll look at this corner here I hold down Alt left click you can see that's where the pivot point's going to be. Again, we'll move to another location Alt left click, there's where I have my pivot. Now if we want to pan around in the view port, we can Alt middle mouse click and drag, so now we're panning. So Alt left click, rotate, Alt middle will pan, and alt right mouse button we can, you know, move our mouse up and down this will zoom in and out. So we have Alt left to rotate, Alt middle to pan and Alt right to zoom in and out. Now we can also change these keyboard shortcuts if you don't like them, so if you come up to edit, settings…
