From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training

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- [Narrator] We have reached the end of our essential look at Substance Painter. I hope you've enjoyed the course and learned some foundational skills for working in Substance Painter. Of course, this is only the beginning and now your true journey begins. You can start to explore and create your own projects. There's a lot more to learn about Substance Painter. Going forward, a very good resource for you to take a look at is Substance Academy. This is our free training site where we have lots of dedicated training to the entire Substance ecosystem. And there's a lot of training in here specifically for Substance Painter. We will also be adding lots of more training as well, and the best part is the training is all free. So if you would like to continue to move forward, jump in here to Substance Academy, take a look at some of the advanced courses, be sure to jump into and follow our live streams as well as check out…
